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JENNA -  16   wks old    

Birthday May  23rd  Thursday

Estimated Full Grown Size      20-25lbs



F 1


"JENNA" is very sweet and personable and highly motivated by human interaction.    She is intuitive and responsive with a desire to please.    She displays a nice balance of excited playfulness with a calm and gentle  spirit.    She will be great with children.

Jenna is Jumpstart Potty Training.... She sleeps through the night in her   crate!  She is on a rigorous daily schedule of : Potty, Play, Eat, Potty, Sleep and Repeat!
She   will come with   4 days of fresh food and a generous care package with some essentials like collar, leash, poop bag dispenser, toys, treats and more!

Jenna  is from a small family breeder in Sugarcreek OH.  


WHY Cavapoos that are not my own?

Since I am a small in-home breeder    limited to a few litters a year, with my waitlists being full out a year or later...  and getting regular requests for Cavapoos   (sometimes daily)...I have  made these puppies available.     
These puppies   have been here for at least 2 full weeks and transitioned from a typical whelping /raising scenario to a Crate Training and Daily Schedule exactly the same as how I raise my own pups:    Potty - eat - play - sleep and repeat!    They have transitioned to a fresh, raw-food diet and given Hands-On   attention, love and care including: meticulous bathing and grooming care, lots of playtime with adults/kids and puppy playtime!
  All    have  been to my Veterinarian and deemed healthy  like    they had also been at their previous Vet visit before I took them home with me. 
I travel to Ohio for 2 days and bring them here   on my own.
Grandeur Valley Puppies, where most are from is a very reputable breeder who agrees with my training program and never sells puppies to broker's of which I am not. 

Here is their website    -
The manager   will make himself available    to speak to new owners/prospecting owners!  

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